
Price Sheet


Flat - 25$
Simple shading - 30$
Fully rendered - 40$


Flat- 30$
Simple shading 35$
Fully rendered 45$

Half Body

Flat - 45$
Simple shading - 55$
Fully rendered - 65$

Full body

Flat - 55$
Simple shading - 65$
Fully rendered - 75$

Additional Prices

Clothing: clothing varies depending on the details/ typeBackground: price may depend on what you want. The more detailed and items, the more it may cost. Simple things such as color or shapes is free.
Extra Character. 70% or depending on character design

Ref sheet

A basic ref sheet is 65$ for a back, front, name, info, colors. And backgroundNsfw AND sfw versions +5$
Items + 15$
Full bodies + 35$
Chibis + 25$
Heads hots + 20$
Body parts + 10$
Per each add on. And prices of course may change a bit depending on oc or specific items/ requests